Tokyo Otaku Mode(TOM), the US-based media service company for Japanese anime, announced in early this month, they would appoint the VR head-mounted display Oculus Rift’s innovator, Palmer Luckey, and the anime news company Anime News Network(ANN) CEO, Christopher MacDonald as the advisors of the Otaku Coin Preparation Committee.
TOM would use “Otaku Coin” to connect fans with creators and relevant organizations in the anime industry and aim to make its coin as the currency of the Japanese pop culture, while receiving supports from advisors. TOM would be also seeking ICO in this summer at the earliest via its Otaku Coin.
Established in 2012, TOM has over 20 millions fans by providing Japanese pop culture news on Facebook and operating its e-commerce site “Tokyo Otaku Mode Shop” to sell Japanese comics, music, fashions and related goods. TOM announced in last week that it would receive funds via the Japan-based VC firm Nissay Capital, the proceeds would be used to to boost its e-commerce business.